Welcome to the 3D LoL Dodger Game

This game is the first 3D LoL training tool, designed to help you improve the following topics:


apm training

When playing competitive games it's very important to train your APM to do more with the time you're given.



Landing your skillshots all the time like pro players can be difficult, training that consistently will improve your accuracy.



In the fire of fights it can be tricky to understand what's going on, by training your dodging skills you'll be able to have an eye on everything.



By always keeping an eye on everything you will be training your peripheral vision. Leading to a great impact on your map awareness.

The game is free to play, select the level you want to play in, then select the game mode.

Feel free to change your binds in the settings section aswell.

Learn more about LoL Dodger

Enhancing Moba Players' Skills: The Importance of Skillshot and APM Training Games

In the fast-paced world of MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games, precision, quick reflexes, and a keen sense of map awareness can make all the difference between victory and defeat. To help MOBA and League of Legends players hone these essential skills, we've developed a unique game that focuses on skillshot and APM training, with the goal of elevating your gaming performance to new heights.

1) The Need for Skillshot and APM Training:

MOBA games, such as League of Legends and Dota 2, require players to perform a wide range of actions quickly and accurately. Two critical aspects of mastering these games are Skillshots and APM (Actions Per Minute). Lol skillshot involve accurately landing abilities on your opponents, and a high APM is essential for rapid decision-making and executing commands effectively. This game was made in 3D to ensure close similarity between League of Legends and this training tool.

The ability to hit skillshots consistently can mean the difference between eliminating an enemy or letting them slip away. Similarly, a high APM ensures that you can react swiftly to in-game situations, effectively coordinating with your team, and making precise decisions.

Game Modes:

Our MOBA and league of legends dodge game offers multiple training modes to cater to different skill levels and aspects of gameplay. The primary modes are:

Skillshot Mode: This mode focuses on enhancing your ability to land skillshots with precision. It includes three difficulty levels: Normal, Hard, and Ranked. In Ranked mode, you can compete against others, and your score appears on the leaderboard, adding a competitive edge to your training.

Dodge Mode: Dodge mode combines the importance of skillshots with the need for quick reflexes and map awareness. Fireballs are added to the mix, and you'll need to dodge them to avoid taking damage. It's a challenging mode that sharpens your decision-making and reflexes so play this mode regularly to become a better dodger.

Benefits of Playing the Game:

Our skillshot and dodging game is designed with one primary goal in mind: to help MOBA players enhance their APM, game vision, precision, and map awareness. By practicing with our skillshot and dodge modes, players can expect to see significant improvements in their gameplay. Here are some of the advantages:

Improved Precision: Skillshot mode focuses on accuracy and precision, helping players land their abilities more consistently in actual MOBA matches.

Enhanced APM: The combination of skillshots and dodging fireballs in Dodge mode forces players to think and react quickly, thus elevating their APM.

Sharper Map Awareness: Constantly monitoring and dodging fireballs in Dodge mode improves players' map awareness, a crucial skill for MOBA games.

Competitive Edge: The Ranked mode adds a competitive element to training, allowing players to compare their performance with others and strive for continuous improvement.

Community and Competition:

We believe that gaming is not just about playing; it's also about community and competition. Our game fosters a sense of community by bringing players together to train and compete. The leaderboard in the Ranked mode allows you to measure your progress and challenge other players to reach the top.

The Future of the Game:

We are excited to announce that an upcoming mode is in the works – the Grab Trainer. In this mode, players will have to successfully grab targets as soon as they appear, testing their hand-eye coordination and reflexes. The addition of the Grab Trainer will provide even more diversity in training options, ensuring that our game remains a valuable tool for MOBA players looking to enhance their skills.


In the competitive world of MOBA gaming, every advantage counts. Our game, with its focus on skillshot and APM training, offers MOBA players the opportunity to level up their skills and become more effective players. Don't miss out on the chance to improve your precision, quick thinking, and map awareness – give our game a try and experience the benefits for yourself. The road to becoming a top-tier MOBA player starts here!